Tired of manually keying orders?

All you and your clients need to trade
Fruits & Vegetables

We’ve streamlined all aspects of fruits & vegetables trading into one, easy-to-use platform. Make the switch today!

online catalog consentio

Consentio’s solution is designed to fit your needs

app for fresh produce producers
app for fresh produce wholesalers
app for supermarket buyers
orders on the phone consentio

Stay connected with your customers - anywhere, any time, on any device

Whether you sell, buy, or do both,all of your business transactions can be managed in Consentio.

Build lifelong lasting business relationships online through the Consentio social networking solution backed by our smart e-commerce solution; you can now trade and chat.

Create your own customised online store

Built for the fruits & vegetables industry, our smart e-commerce provides an enhanced trading experience for you and your customers.

Instantly adjust prices and availability. Create tailored catalogs per client, including transport details for each client. Share your catalog and promote all your products

online store fruits and vegetables
supermarket formats

Automate your daily administrative tasks

You choose the ordering format, we’ll upload it into Consentio. Reduce overhead costs on administration, and free up your time to win more business!

Forget manually typing in orders, Consentio can integrate with your ERP - sending all key information in real-time.

Request Demo

Join thousands of companies digitalising the fresh produce industry!

lagadec primeurs logosoraya martinez logothe greenery logoanecoop logoeuro fruits logopassion fruit logo

They think you'll love Consentio

And we agree!

"Our customer portfolio has increased significantly since we started to use Consentio".

David & Benjamin Vitale
Wholesaler on the Cavaillon market, France

"Consentio is very easy to use, anywhere and anytime. With the tool, I can see the whole range of available products instantly"

Rudy Coquan
Department Manager E.Leclerc Barjouville

"Consentio really takes us up a notch in terms of sales efficiency and customer satisfaction"

Christophe Janson
Commercial manager and fresh ideas grower at Picvert

"We have Consentio platform integrated with our ERP system, which saves us a lot of time in the management and preparation of orders. The digitisation of our processes was key to be able to adapt our business to B2C in a matter of hours!"

Slava Cires
Owner of Mi Comida Online

“The Consentio app allows me to very quickly access the price list of my usual suppliers and make an order in just two clicks. I am now able to save so much time!”

Fruit and Vegetable Department Manager E.Leclerc

"Thanks to Consentio, each of my customers can consult their personalised list of products and place their order from their smartphone! For my part, after a quick check, the orders are entered automatically in my ERP software!"

Yann Lagadec
CEO of Lagadec Primeurs, F&V Wholesaler

Our team is here to help you

The Consentio team shares the vision and values of the fresh produce industry. We are a mix of entrepreneurs, agronomists, technical engineers, marketers and commercial staff who have united to deliver technology that will underpin the future development of the fresh produce sector. Impact is a big part of our mission, striving to reduce food loss and build a more sustainable supply chain.

Meet the team
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"Within the top 3 best startups in Spain ... Consentio helps the fruit & vegetable industry commerce become more agile and optimised "

el país logo

"Consentio is the digital revolution for the fruits & vegetables industry"

la vanguardia logo

"Thanks to its technology, Consentio's platform has managed to increase the number of transactions between suppliers and supermarkets since the Coronavirus crisis began"

revista mercados logo

Ready to see your team triumph?

Let's go 🚀